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Action for Refugee Education: Little Ripples case-study

Eastern Chad hosts over 320,000 refugees from Darfur, Sudan, across twelve camps, who fled their homes in early 2003 because of conflict. Almost fifteen years later, ongoing crises in Darfur prevent families from returning. Funding reductions have left huge gaps in providing quality services for refugees, especially in the provision of early childhood education (ECE), which is critical for securing later positive learning outcomes.

Humanitarian efforts toward refugee self-reliance along with the fact that ECE is most impactful when parents, caregivers and educators are supportive and supported, means engaging refugees as the primary leaders and stakeholders in the creation of ECE programs is essential.

iACT have facilitated a refugee led program, Little Ripples, to improve the provision of ECE for refugees in Eastern Chad. Through teacher training and professional development, Little Ripple transforms untrained refugee men and women into skilled teachers and leaders with the confidence to deliver, lead, and scale comprehensive ECE.

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