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Home-Based Child Care: a Global Study

Home-based child care (or HBCC) is one of the most popular forms of child care for the world’s 0.8 billion children under six. Supporting the effective delivery of HBCC can provide economic empowerment to women in the child care sector, allow more mothers to enter the workforce, and greatly improve children’s developmental outcomes. Yet despite the prevalence of HBCC, very little is known about the programs that support HBCC providers in their role.

Spring Impact’s new report, generously supported by Echidna Giving, aims to address this knowledge gap. They have compiled detailed insights and profiles of 11 innovative programs, including iACT’s Little Ripples early childhood education program, supporting quality HBCC:

-What are the objectives of these programs?
-What are the common features?
-How do these programs define and promote quality?
-How are they financed?
-What challenges do they face?

To help these programs and others like them to strengthen and scale, Spring Impact makes five key recommendations for donors, policymakers, and the early childhood care and education sector.

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