Where We Are
Former Locations

In 2021, in partnership with the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative and Girls of Armenia Leadership Soccer (GOALS), iACT launched soccer academies throughout Armenia in response to the displacement of more than 90,000 Armenians displaced from Artsakh. The program flourished, with 7 academies launching for girls and boys across the region. As the community stabilized, it soon became clear that the coaches and GOALS would not continue to need iACT in the way they had initially. So, in December 2024, iACT stepped back from this partnership. We did not, however, step back from our relationship, leaving the door open to continue to assist the coaches as they need in the coming years though not as an official partner.
Coaches Trained
Coaches Hired
Girls & Boys Reached

In August 2019, in partnership with Second Tree, iACT facilitated the co-creation of the Little Ripples program with residents of camp Katsikas and asylum seekers and refugees living in urban accommodations in Ioannina. At the time Camp Katsikas was one of four refugee settlements in the Epirus region, where few international NGOs remained. Unfortunately, during the pandemic, and as a result of stricter security regulations in and around refugee camp Katsikas, it became impossible for iACT to continue our programming in Greece. We were disheartened to have to leave, and remain grateful to the dedicated men and women who came together to make Little Ripples possible.
Teachers Trained
Teachers Hired
Girls & Boys Reached