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InterAction Statement on Stop-Work Order Issued by the State Department
InterAction, the leading alliance of international NGOs and partners in the United States, issued the following statement:

iACT's Hope for the Future of Community-led Work
In the conclusion of this blog series, iACT explores why our hope is for all NGO's to adopt a community-led approach to humanitarian action.

Measuring Impact in iACT's Community-led Approach
Part Four in our series on iACT's community-led approach to humanitarian action focuses on how we measure impact.

How Does iACT's Community-led Approach Work?
Delve into the "how" of iACT's community-led approach through a case study of our Little Ripples early childhood education program.

Why iACT Embraces a Community-led Approach
Here are four key reasons why iACT embraces a community-led approach to humanitarian action.

iACT’s Community-led Approach to Humanitarian Action
Part One in iACT's series exploring our community-led approach.

With Annual Fundraiser, LA-based NGO iACT Prioritizes Play for Children Affected by War and Conflict
iACT, an LA-based international organization, will hold its annual fundraising event, impACT, on September 30, in Manhattan Beach, CA.

Meet iACT Executive Director Sara-Christine Dallain
Meet our executive director, Sara-Christine Dallain

iACT Seeks Short-term Consultant
Work with our team as we map the humanitarian system and its trends.

How iACT Builds Sustainable Partnerships
What makes iACT’s refugee- and community-led model so special?

In Armenia, a Forgotten Community Finds Hope Through Soccer
iACT and Girls of Armenia Leadership Soccer (GOALS) have partnered to expand youth soccer to children affected by the war in Artsakh.

Refugee-Led Program Expansion Begins in Chad with the Support of The UEFA Foundation for Children
The refugee-led expansion stands as an example of how iACT works to shift power in the humanitarian system.

Volunteer trips are inherently problematic: Understanding how voluntourism encourages a complacency
Before embarking on a volunteer trip, it is important to acknowledge the flawed aspects of the 'voluntourism' industry.

The first iACTivist: A Mindful Humanitarian Pathway Retreat
Striving to ignite systems change in humanitarian work.

The iACT Way
"I longed to work with a team that was willing to start by listening and connecting rather than trying to 'fix' things."

iACTivist, a Mindful Humanitarian Pathway
iACT’s approach from the very beginning was to listen first, create solutions together, and never forget the human being in front of you.

The Practice of Partnering: Bringing Quality Programming to Burundian Refugees in Tanzania
Plan International Tanzania and iACT are working together to leverage resources and expertise.

The Value of a Refugee
A young woman, speaking for her group, said: “They do not recognize the value of a refugee.”

Tanzania’s Burundian Refugees Reflect on Their Basic Needs
A letter from our friends in Tanzania, currently living in Nduta Refugee Camp.

Top Ten Things I Learned On My 29th Trip to Darfuri Refugee Camps
Purpose, combined with hope, is an incomparable energy...
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