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Expanding Ripples
With services for refugees being cut, refugee empowerment -- in every aspect -- is essential.

Chicago Museum Partners with Humanitarian Organization to Connect Students with Darfuri Refugees thr
iACT's Global Citizens curriculum to be a part of the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center's Myself, My Community.

Promising Practices in Refugee Education: Invest in Teacher Training
“Teachers are the most important school-based factor in determining the quality of education.”

Promising Practices in Refugee Education
Our team has just returned from a long week in New York City where world leaders came together for the United Nations General Assembly....

Opportunity despite challenges
“After there’s been an event of violence, we notice that the children create guns out of sticks and pretend to shoot their peers.”...

Education in an Emergency
Today was our first day in Bangui in the Central African Republic, and much of the day consisted of learning more about the context of...

Empathy Can End Mass Atrocities, Part I: How early childhood education creates a generation of empat
Part of a three-part blog series by iACT Chief Operating Officer Katie-Jay Scott on the power of empathy to address trauma and empower...

Training Refugee Teachers and Visiting Friends
Today was our second visit to refugee camp Djabal in eastern Chad, and the first day of Little Ripples Teacher Training II for camp...

Our Unintended Impact
The model and approach of our early childhood education program, Little Ripples, is based on partnering with and empowering refugees to...

#WeAreDarfur: Participating
After eleven straight days of visiting and working in refugee camps, we have only two more to go. I am tired from the marathon of...

#WeAreDarfur: Fatima
If you asked me to describe the spirit of Darfur, I would tell you that all you need to do is look at Fatima. She’s a veteran Little...

Hasha and Khajia
With no cover from the sun, beads of sweat immediately start to build on my forehead and chest. I am sitting cross-legged on a woven mat,...

Check Out Our Beautiful New Head Scarf Design!
We’re excited to announce the winner of our 2017 Little Ripples Headscarf design contest! The beautiful design submitted by Anne...

A Day #WithRefugees
Our day of work alongside our refugee friends ended with a bumpy ride back to the walled UNHCR compound that is our home for this week....

Expanding to camp Djabal, eastern Chad
iACT is proud to announce the expansion of Little Ripples , our early childhood education program, to refugee camp Djabal in eastern...

Let’s Make 2017 Profound
I can hardly contain my joy and excitement about iACT’s plans for 2017. They are big and they are bold. They will challenge our refugee...
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