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Infusing the Little Ripples Curriculum with Burundian Culture
The Little Ripples program came to life in Nduta Refugee Camp as teachers infused their own culture into the curriculum.
The Value of a Refugee
A young woman, speaking for her group, said: “They do not recognize the value of a refugee.”
Tanzania’s Burundian Refugees Reflect on Their Basic Needs
A letter from our friends in Tanzania, currently living in Nduta Refugee Camp.
Top Ten Things I Learned On My 29th Trip to Darfuri Refugee Camps
Purpose, combined with hope, is an incomparable energy...
Ikbal and Nabila will no longer have to miss a meal
Meet two of our newest Little Ripples students and their mother, Hawa.
Darfuri Refugees Leading the Way
"What we are doing here benefits us, as we are learning and it also benefits the children."
Hermosa Beach Humanitarian Group Partners with LA Galaxy and Midfielder Baggio Husidic
Hermosa Beach Humanitarian Group Partners with LA Galaxy and Midfielder Baggio Husidic to Promote Refugee Soccer Programs.
The First Women To Ever Play Soccer
What does if feel like to be the first women to ever play soccer in your community? It’s the question I’ve been eager to ask our group of...
Three refugee women, walking
Saturday was our first day visiting camp Bredjing. It’s an almost hour-long drive through bumpy terrain, interrupted a few times by wide...
Fatima and Saad
(Note: Names have been changed to protect identities.) “My son comes to see me and says, ‘Mother, I see you have to give away our money...
A Day #WithRefugees
Our day of work alongside our refugee friends ended with a bumpy ride back to the walled UNHCR compound that is our home for this week....
#WithRefugees, Doubling Down on Hope
I am a positive, hopeful, and optimistic person. I believe in humanity and its potential for good and beauty. As I begin my 26th trip to...
The irony that I was coming from an Immigrants Rights March the day I met Gabriel Stauring at an educational mock refugee camp twelve...
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