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Refugee-Led Program Expansion Begins in Chad with the Support of The UEFA Foundation for Children
The refugee-led expansion stands as an example of how iACT works to shift power in the humanitarian system.

LA-based NGO to establish soccer academies along Armenia/Artsakh border
The Aurora for Artsakh program has awarded iACT funding to implement refugee football academies for the children of Artsakh.

Joy and Soccer for the Children of Artsakh
Football, together with a mindful-peace curriculum, can create magical spaces where children can heal and thrive.

UEFA Foundation for Children Supports Preschools & Soccer Academies!
With a grant from the UEFA Foundation for Children, iACT will expand to four more refugee camps in eastern Chad.

Connecting Communities through Love of the Game: Refugees United Soccer Academy and Thunder Shots
iACT and Thunder Shots teamed up to start a conversation between youth soccer programs in eastern Chad and San Jose, CA.

iACT was selected by UEFA as one of 55 projects they will support to bring the magic of soccer to children across the globe.

Refugees Truly United
"We want the world to know that we are refugees united across camps and countries."

Joy…Not Just for Almonds
Taking time for a refresher training with our coaches in Refugee Camp Nduta in Tanzania.

Introducing the First Burundian Coaches of the Refugees United Soccer Academy
Meet our new youth soccer coaches in Nduta Refugee Camp in Tanzania.

The Joy and Magic of Soccer, Football!
The game of football is powerful in and of itself. It can be transformational.

New Partnerships: iACT & Plan International
An exciting new partnership between iACT and Plan International (Tanzania)

The First Women To Ever Play Soccer
What does if feel like to be the first women to ever play soccer in your community? It’s the question I’ve been eager to ask our group of...

An Extra Line of Support
“We have become famous in our community,” Souliman said, speaking of himself and the other coaches of the Refugees United Soccer Academy...

Let’s Make 2017 Profound
I can hardly contain my joy and excitement about iACT’s plans for 2017. They are big and they are bold. They will challenge our refugee...
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