My name is Ella Davis, and I am an incoming Junior at Mira Costa High School. My interests in school are primarily history and english, as I love to write and learn about the world around me. Exploring world patterns among different cultures and countries intrigues me and has inspired me to keep learning about various societal issues. Recognizing that I am more fortunate than most people in the world, I have been moved to get out of my bubble of Manhattan Beach and consider world problems that occur on a global scale. One course I particularly enjoyed was AP Human Geography, which I took my Freshman year. This class exposed me to the changing world I had not yet discovered, and inspired me to keep learning about patterns in other parts of the world, as well as to keep up with current trends and events.
Another course that has challenged me to think from a new perspective is Model United Nations. This program has taught me to be a good leader and has also helped me develop many skills, such as writing, researching, negotiating, and communicating. I have been in this course for two years now, and have debated several different topics at various conferences. Through this course, I have been introduced to the hardships of injustice, poverty, corruption, human trafficking, crime, and countless other widespread issues. I have found that my greatest passion, through this program, is debating topics related to refugee crises and terrorism. These two topics stand out to me because I believe that they have not been addressed properly. Also, these two issues are prevalent in developing parts of the world, demonstrating a common pattern.
Throughout my debates, I have learned so much about different refugee crises, including the Mediterranean refugee crisis and the Rohingya refugee crisis. I have debated many subtopics with regards to refugees, such as refugees’ rights to education, corruption of governments, humanitarian crisis, poverty, sexual harassment, and more. Throughout my debates, I have been able to work with other delegates to develop solutions in order to solve these issues.
I would like to apply everything I have learned throughout my experience in this program to my work at iACT. I feel that I have the skills necessary to fulfill this internship, with my strengths in writing, researching, and collaborating. I am very passionate about helping others and I want to make a difference through my work with iACT. My goal is to help the community of the Darfur refugees become more sustainable and integrated into society. With our work, I believe we can raise more awareness about the issue, as well, and create a better future for Darfuri refugees.
iACT because…I believe that positive change can start with one person, as long as they are determined and devoted to fighting for a good cause.