1. Once the hunger in their bellies is subdued, children’s hunger for learning and experiencing life flourishes.

2. “It has been a lost generation—12 years that are lost and will never be recovered, even if the war stopped today.” Oumda Tarbosh

3. I can eat SO MUCH LESS than I eat when back home. (But don’t bet on me doing it when I get back. I love food.)

4. Can’t stop women. I learned this a long time ago, but it keeps getting reinforced.

5. There can be islands of peace, even in oceans of stress and hardship.

6. There’s just something irresistible about baby donkeys.

7. A soccer ball—anywhere!—is the perfect tool to inspire leadership, friendship, hope, and pure joy.

8. There’s something sad about seeing a refugee camp from the air—the neat, impersonal shape that is an “open prison” for tens of thousands of unique, beautiful friends.

9. I miss my family. I’m reminded of them each time I look into the eyes of a child. This might be why I keep coming back.

10. The word “refugee” should not be a stigma. There is so much fear and misinformation in the world, as we face an unprecedented refugee crisis. With empathy and compassion, we can see this as an unprecedented opportunity for a more connected humanity. I will not lose hope.