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UEFA Foundation for Children Supports Preschools & Soccer Academies!


With a recent grant from UEFA Foundation for Children, iACT is thrilled to announce that this year we will expand Little Ripples and the Refugees United Soccer Academy to four new camps in Chad!  Alongside supporting long-standing refugee leaders living in camps in eastern Chad, we will expand to Am Nabak, Oure Cassoni, Treguine, and Gaga camps.

The Darfuri refugee community in camp Am Nabak has been asking for Little Ripples for more than a year, and with the support of the UEFA Foundation for Children, we can finally build four in-home centers, hire 16 new teachers and cooks, enroll 180 children ages 3-5, and serve 45,000 meals over the next year!

iACT’s Refugees United Soccer Academy is currently in 8 of the 12 camps in eastern Chad. With support from both UEFA Foundation and Leonard & Robert Weintraub Family Foundation, we will be able to provide up to 8,000 refugee girls and boys with a place to learn about teamwork, leadership, and peacebuilding, all while improving soccer skills, and bringing the joy of soccer to those who have suffered so much.

We're building:
  • 4 Little Ripples preschools

  • 4 Refugees United Soccer Academies

The impact will be:
  • 45,000 Nutritious meals

  • 8,000 Girls and boys enrolled in soccer academies

  • 180 Children enrolled in preschool

  • 34 Refugees employed full-time

We’re on a mission to raise $15,000 by the start of the Little Ripples school year to support the salaries of all 85 women managing Little Ripples in eastern Chad, the daily meals provided to every student, and essential educational materials.

Learn more about our partnership with UEFA Foundation for Children here.

Help iACT continue to do what it does best:

Support refugees in the forgotten corners of the world through soccer and preschool.

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