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Gabriel Stauring

#WeAreDarfur: Still Here

Darfur exploded in violence fourteen years ago. Hundreds of thousands died. Millions displaced.

Government officials from around the world came to visit refugees—and left. Celebrities came—and left. Journalists came—and left. Many of the big humanitarian organizations came—and left. The remaining ones are operating on drastically insufficient budgets—and are, essentially, in the process of leaving.

The refugees—are still here.

Guisma is smart, beautiful, and ambitious. She is still here.

Bashir and Bashar like school and love soccer. They dream about playing for Darfur United. They’re still here.

Abdelmouni is serious, thoughtful, and tries to keep up with the twins. He’s still here.

Gabriel is happy and curious. He was born here, and he’s still here.

Abdulai is very close to his mother and is just starting to explore. He’s here.

Samia is a beautiful little girl who is barely starting life as a refugee. How long will she be here? Achta and Adef dream—as parents everywhere do—as parents everywhere do—of a better life for their children. They make sure that they go to school and find a way—no matter how hard—to get them food to survive. They are a Darfur family. They are still here.

Peace, Gabriel #WeAreDarfur


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